Patron Privacy and Library Privacy Audits

Information on this page relates to library patron privacy and to the use of library audits to assure that the library understands what data it stores and how it manages data that relates to patrons. Some of the detailed information about legal and regulatory aspects are directed particularly at libraries in California. However, many of the statements and procedures could be generally useful to libraries wishing to assess their management of patron data.


California Library Association Meeting, 2008, San Jose

The Audit at SFPL

Audit Documents

Note: Creative Commons License
The audit documents listed here were created by Karen Coyle and are licensed under a Creative Commons License This license allows you to freely use the forms, or to modify them for your own use. However, if you would like to make commercial use of them (e.g. add them to a commercial publication or use them in a commercial training program) you must contact Karen first for permission. In addition, it would be ideal if anyone who makes modifications or improvements to these forms would share them with others. Mail them to kcoyle at kcoyle dot net, if you wish them to be added to this page, and say how you would like them attributed.


From my writings:

Other resources: